Nadia’s Weekly Update 1

This week, our team discussed the workflow we plan to commit to during the project development, specifically which tools we will be using to communicate (We decided on a Commons Group as a way to keep track on progress, share findings and feedback), as well as the content of our collaborator agreement and our team’s guiding principles. Each team member brought in very thoughtful suggestions and I already like how we have structures our Commons Group to include different rubrics and updates.

We have each chosen a primary and secondary role. Since my background is mostly in programming, I have taken up Web Development and mapping as my first role and Social Media outreach as the second and I hope to be able to help wherever needed in research and audio.

Each of us has committed to choosing one cemetery under a specific category to share research and findings on by next meeting. I will personally be looking into a historical cemetery that still exists and functions as such. I discovered cemeteries with fascinating stories: the cemeteries of the Spanish-Portugeuese Synagogue Shearith Israel, and the New York City Marble Cemetery.

I have also committed to do more research on the development tools we will be using to build the project interface and map.

We have discussed multiple options and will be looking specifically into two combinations and a list of mapping tools: A MapBox Story Map with additional html component like a timeline for each cemetery hosted on Github or Glitch, a storyMapJS story map based off a Mapbox map embedded into a WordPress site hosted on the CUNY Commons.

After talking more with my team about other directions our project can be taken, we will also be looking into timelines as a potential visual component of the website. I’m very excited about this, I think timelines have a compelling way to tell stories.

I am looking forward to this process!!

[This entry was originally posted on  DHUM 70002 Digital Humanities: Methods and Practices (Spring 2021)  in Personal Blogs and tagged Journal on February 23, 2021 by NedjaEM.]

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