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Anderson, Marilyn. “Under City Hall Park.” Archaeology Magazine Archive, 25 Feb. 2000.

Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. First issued as an Oxford University Press paperback, Oxford University Press, 2000.

Chrysalis Archaeology and URS Corporation. City Hall Rehabilitation Archaeology Project 2010-2011 Volume 1. Edited by Alyssa Loorya and Christopher Ricciardi, June 2013.

Chrysalis Archaeology and URS Corporation. City Hall Rehabilitation Archaeology Project 2010-2011 Volume 2. Edited by Alyssa Loorya and Christopher Ricciardi, June 2013.

de Laski, Dana. “A Brief History of the African Burial Ground National Monument.” Culture Trip, The Culture Trip, 21 Aug. 2016.

Fifth Avenue Bank of New York. Fifth Avenue. Walton Advertising and Prtg. Co., 1915,

Harris, Gale, et al. African Burial Ground and The Commons Historic District Designation Report. Feb. 1993.
Moore, Christopher. “African Burial Ground in History.” African Burial Ground National Monument. 26 Apr. 2019.

National Parks Service. “History & Culture.” African Burial Ground National Monument. 26 Apr. 2019.

Wallace, Edward S. General William Jenkins Worth: The American Murat. 1948, Boston U, PhD thesis.

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