When I stood to write this final journal (yes, stood …I’ve worked at a standing desk for years), I struggled with how best to end this exercise in public journaling: would it be a final personal narrative, or a reflection on the project itself, or something more esoteric? In the […]
I can’t believe the semester is almost over!!! This journey has been so rewarding but so exhausting at times. And I’m happy we are getting to a point where we get to wrap things up, look at what we created and present it to other people. I feel like my […]
what a semester this has been! perhaps it’s a bit cliche to remark about how quickly this semester has flown by but it must be said! as the final dissemination of our project draws nearer, I have been trying to finalize my data and other contributions relating to our outreach […]
Echoing the sentiment in others posts–how is tomorrow May? Part of me still feels like it’s February and we’re still in the early planning days. But when I try to list everything we’ve accomplished, wow, we’ve really come so far as a team. Mapping Cemeteries: After Life We’ve now all […]
I found myself feeling overwhelmed again this week, between unpacking and leading two projects between my classes. But I sat with that feeling for a while, and then I started a plan to make these next two weeks more manageable. In our group meeting tonight I had the idea for […]
It is still feeling like we have a lot of work to do before the end of the semester, but it’s also feeling like we’re getting very close to “done.” Asma is working to code our first audio episode this weekend. We will be sure and post as soon as […]
Last week, we discussed some of the design decisions for the website and I implemented them. I changed the fonts for the headers and the text body. I also changed the colors, since we decided to have dark backgrounds with white text instead of the white background with black text […]
This last week has been focused on research. Yes, I’m still learning about my subject. It’s been challenging for me, putting my notes into a functional read. However, we now have an agreed visual mechanism we refer to as a “card.” Each card can support an image, several headers, and […]