Last week was spring break, and as much as possible, I gave myself permission to step away from the Mapping Cemeteries project. I’m not sure how much I was able to enjoy my break from the project as I spent a lot of that time overthinking all of the work […]
Bri's Blog
Inspired by our class and group discussions in last Thursday, we decided our project would benefit from having a companion WordPress site on the Commons. We already have a Commons group where we share all of our files, keep track of deliverables, and conduct most of our conversations via forum […]
This is the first week I think I’ve felt more excited than overwhelmed by the project. I made time to get lost in research, and I learned so many fascinating (read: horrible) things. After class last week, I decided to poke around the New York Public Library’s digital archives and […]
Our deliverables these past two weeks have been very challenging to me. I really didn’t want to deliver them. But having gone through the process of creating a Work Plan and a Data Management Plan (DMP), I get it. It’s so much more fun having ideas and having your head […]
I’m not really sure where to start. Already it’s been such a rollercoaster of emotions. Excitement, fear, gratitude, overwhelmingness (I didn’t know this was already a word until just looking it up now). This project is so different and so much more than I initially envisioned, and that’s so great. […]
Writing and Editing I studied creative writing in undergrad, in particular poetry, so I’m very interested in how we use language to communicate, and I’m always thinking about whether there are better ways to say what we want to say. I’ve been an editor for more than 13 years, and […]